Saturday, June 26, 2010

Update on the Byron Vaughns Sale

Hey everyone, here's the latest on the sale Mr. Byron Vaughns, comic atrist extraordinaire, is holding to support the library:

“Due to the technical difficulties of the art download, I have extended the last day of the Billy Batson & the Magic of Shazam original art sale to all day Tuesday, June 29, 2010. Pages have been downloaded for purchase and issues 8 and 9 will be downloaded by the end of today, Saturday, June 26, 2010

I have reduced the cost of each piece by $5.00 and in addition, all call in orders will also receive an original drawing of my new superhero, Paxton Knight

I am very much committed to making a personal contribution of 40% from this sale, including FREE SHIPPING & HANDLING, USA, to the
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library in honor of the Boys Rule Boys Read Blog, PLEASE HELP THIS WORTHWHILE CAUSE. BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE ARTWORK TO ENLARGE THE PAGE!

The Boys Rule Boys Read Blog , created for 9-14-year-old boys to encourage reading was created by library staffers, Carl Schwanke, Bill Corder & Zack Moore have been avid supporters of the Billy Batson & the Magic of Shazam series (especially Bill Corder. Although, Bill and Zack were laid off due to budget cuts, Bill, Carl, and Zack have a new blog, Boys Rock, Boys Read. Their commitment to guiding boys’ reading is still going strong.

Be sure to check this out, everyone! And, guys, be sure to check with your family before you order this stuff online. (PS--when it says "BE SURE TO CLICK ON THE ARTWORK... it probably means the artwork you'll see on the website)

1 comment:

Ninja Librarian Bill said...

This a very classy act by a very classy gentleman!!!!
Thank you Mr. Vaughn and keep us informed on future projects,