Cahills Vs. Vespers, book 6
Day of Doom
by David Baldacci
This is it, guys! The final battle against the Vespers! As you may remember from the last book, the four friends had just discovered that the Vespers were planning on building Archimedes' doomsday device with which to take over the world. Well, this book is basically answer after answer to every question since Vespers Rising. What does Amy's gear/ring do? What does the Doomsday device do exactly? What's Isabel going to do? Is Pheonix still alive? Will the hostages escape? What will happen to the Wyomings? What does the serum do? Who is Vesper One? And one more thing... four important people will die. Alistair was just the beginning. Who will they be? Every single one of these questions is answered in this epic last book of the second series in The 39 Clues. By the way, unlike a lot of other series finales I've read, this one has an absolute perfect ending.
But guess what guys? It's not over! A third series called Unstoppable will premiere in fall of this year with the first book being Nowhere to Run by Jude Watson. And, as I always say, don't miss the Steven Spielberg movie series starting in 2014!
Michael Lanier
Pianist, guitarist, banjoist, autoharpist, jaw harpist, Ukeist, Mandolinist
Very good, Michael. Thanks! He's captured the book much better than I could have and he's right--the story is exciting and epic and a fitting conclusion to this terrific series. But I'm not quite as enthusiastic about this one as he is--and I'm not sure why. It was fun, just like all the other 39 Clues books have been, but it just wasn't as grand and glorious a conclusion as I had hoped it would be. Like Into the Gauntlet was. All the other books in this series were terrific but I thought this one was good. Even very good--but not truly and amazingly good, so good that it makes me miss my bus stop, so good that I can't wait for my lunch hour so I can run in and read a few more pages, like the others have been. Maybe it's because I'm a boring old grownup and have read a lot of books and it's harder to impress me. Maybe because I felt a little disappointed when I finally learned the secret behind those mysterious texts from AJT. Maybe because it became obvious to me who would save the day in the end (although I didn't see that coming at first--and neither will you!!) BUT, all that said, this is still a good, fun, thrilling read and you should not miss it!
OK, all you 39 Clues fans out there, let me hear what YOU think. Do you agree more with Michael or me?? And are you excited about the upcoming movie series? I think Michael and I would agree that we can hardly wait!!!