Greetings, guys everywhere! The Iron Guy is sorry he's been silent for so long but I was away over Spring Break and have been sick since I came back. Between those two things, I haven't had much time to read, so I found this review that I had started in November, right after the World Series of Reading but, due to many circumstances, never posted. It's a great story and there's a terrific audiobook version. So check it out and enjoy!
Boys, here's a review of a terrific book that I read several years ago and never forgot. I remembered it while the World Series of Reading Contest was going on because the World Series and the Brooklyn Dodgers formed an important part of the story. I found a copy of the audiobook, listened to it and remembered why this book had such a lasting impact on me--as it will for you.

Guys, this is one terrific read. And one terrific listen! There's a lot of humor here (just wait until you see what happens after she tries to fix the furnace for the apartment building!) and some wistfulness, as when they remember the Moon Festival back in China. But it's also a story that everyone can relate to, especially if you've ever moved to a new school or a new city and wondered how you'd fit in. Plus, after all that this girl goes through, the ending will make you want to stand up and cheer. So will her teacher's speech why being an American and playing baseball are so similar and so important. The audiobook version really makes this story come to glorious life. Narrator Christina Moore captures the tone of this book perfectly, as well as the voices of all the different characters from the Chinese great-relatives to a Hispanic neighbor to the tough Brooklyn kids. Either version is good, so find one or the other. but don't miss out--this story will stay in your memory for years and years.
I loved this book when I read it. And since I'm a Brooklyn born and raised girl, it sounds like I could really get into the audio version, which I didn't know existed. Thanks and hope you are feeling betters.
I have a baseball player who would love this book. Thanks for telling us about it.
Thanks for your comments! I just edited this post and put a "Baseblall" tab underneath, if your bAseball fan wants to see some other books.
I'm glad you're back and feeling better. There's so much to love about this book. The time period, plot, and characters have me hooked. I'll be on the search for it. Thanks for your thoughts.
Nice to see you back at it. Thanks for telling me about this book. Anything baseball will capture my interest.
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