That's what they say at the beginning of the Kentucky Derby, when the horses leave the gate--"and they're off!" That means the horses are off and running. Well, the Iron Guy is off and reading with the
48 Hour Book Challenge. I'll see if I can read at least 12 hours this weekend. And any boy who reads at least 3 hours this weekend AND sends in reviews of what he's read can get a prize! Read the two posts under this one for all the info. But why am I sitting here? The gates have opened, the bell has rung, and I must be off and reading! Here I go and I'll keep you informed over the weekend. And I'd be mighty glad if you leave your comments and reviews in the Comment space under this post!
If you are by work and want a fun, quick read, see if you have Fleming's Lowji Discovers America. For some reason, I really liked that one AND it had a character in it called Ironman! Good luck with the challenge!
I'm at home today and doing this for fun. I'll check it, though, later on. I'll check in on you in a minute.
Hope your having fun!
I am indeed having fun but finding it hard to get reading time with so many other things demanding attention.
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