I'm not a fan of HP. Are they fine books? Yes. Did I read them all when they first came out? Yes. Will I ever reread them? No. Riordan's stuff is much more interesting and amusing to me. My daughter, however, is offended by anyone who doesn't think HP is brilliant. I liked Order of the Phoenix the best, but still it's not something I would go back to.
Good to hear another librarian agree with ME!! But then, two other reader guys sent very different views:
nboy said...
yeah i like percy jackson better than harry
I LOVE HARRY POTTER! i don`t like percy jackson at all
I love them both. LOVE. I also LOVE Fablehaven and Artemis Fowl. There is room in my heart for all of them! I was as excited for each new book in each of these series. I just love to find something that hooks me and keeps me there for a bit. And I love that these series all have the ability to hook young readers and keep them reading!
Of course I agreed with you, Iron Guy. You're always right!
Glad you see it that way. Now if I could only convince the rest of the world...
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