who'll win tonight but you just gotta love the thrill of the game! Basketball is a high-speed, high-intensity game that is just right for GUYS. So, in the spirit of the roundball, here are basketball books that are just right for GUYS!
Fundamental Basketball by Jim and Mike Klinzing and
Basketball Step-by-Step by Brian Burns and Mark Dunning

Derrick Rose by Michael Sandler
Here's a story about one of the good guys of basketball. Nothing could keep Derrick away from the roundball as a boy, playing even after sundown when there were no lights or after breaking his arm climbing a tree. He went to the University of Memphis and helped the Tigers reach the 208 NCAA championship game. That was also the year the Chicago Bulls drafted him as the # 1 pick. But even with all his success, he remained humble and did good things, like helping kids in his old poverty-stricken Chicago neighborhood or donate money for earthquake victims in Haiti. (he once pledged to donate $1000 for each point he scored in a game and raised $32,000!) This is a good, quick and inspirational read and a good book for anyone who loves sports or stories of the good guys. (The only problem is that it came out in 2012 and doesn't mention the last year he's been out with his injury--but don't let that stop you. It's still a good read)
The Basket Counts by Matt Christopher

OK, guys (and Heat and Spurs), play hard and let me know what you think about these books!
Thanks for linking to NF Monday - seems to have been a bit of a basketball theme this week! No worries about the post being from last week as far as I'm concerned - most people do post on the Monday, but I think the key thing is that the post is new and not months old.
ah! just realised I got my B-Ball books mixed up (I'm in the UK, and neither BASEball nor BASKETball are big sports here!!)
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