Saturday, June 8, 2013

The 48 Hour Book Challenge--Just the Thing for the Iron Guy!

Hey, all fellow reading fans! Today marks the beginning of that annual test of the Iron Guy's endurance, determination, and ability to hold a book. Yes it's the 48 Hour Book Challenge, that yearly contest to see how many hours one person can read in a weekend. I've done this in the past and it tested my powers of strength and will to the max but I rose to the challenge and triumphed in true MANLY MAN fashion! In other years, the Iron Guy used the Book Challenge as an opportunity to raise money for the library but it didn't work out this year. Which is good because I have a lot of family obligations this weekend and, as we all know, REAL MEN take care of their family obligations! So, instead of finding long stretches of reading, I'll grab an hour here and a couple of hours there and see how many I can fit in. I could have just blown the whole Book Challenge off, saying I was too busy, but that's not the MANLY MAN way!

So why am I am taking up so much time writing? Time to get that book and start! Here are a few of the books I'd like to read this weekend:

Ice Drift by Theodore Taylor

The Basket Counts by Matt Christopher

The Planet Thieves by Dan Krokos--recommended by Ms. Yingling

Too busy to read? Too busy to be an inspiration for all the thousands of boys who enjoy reading and look eagerly to the Iron Guy as a shining example?
Bring it on!!!


Charlotte said...

You go, Iron Guy Carl!!!

Abby said...

Woo hoo! Good luck with the challenge! Read read read!

Ms. Yingling said...

Excellent, Iron Guy! I think I will start adopting that pose for my own blog! Matt Christopher is always good, but if you have a Netgalley account, you should definitely get a copy of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's book. It had some really interesting things in it AND a lot of basketball. Have fun with the reading AND the family stuff!

Tammy said...

Good Luck! May you use your mighty power to make a dent in your reading pile!

Tallulah A. Scribbles said...

Dropping by to see what you are reading. Love your pics!

Good luck and happy reading!

Tallulah A. @ MAD Hoydenish