Hey, reader guys everywhere. Have I got something exciting for you--our first review from Micah, the newest member of our very fun Boys Read and Write Club. If you remember, he picked three books to read and write about. And here's his reaction to the first one, The Roar by Emma Clayton. Let's hear what Micah (aka Mighty Micah) has to say:
The Roar is a fictional story placed in future London where the world is
divided into two parts, over the wall, where poisonous dust and gas rule the
Earth (or so they say), and behind the wall, which is further divided into two
subdivisions, the Shadows, the home of the poor, and the Golden Turrets,
the home of the rich. I liked The Roar because of the excitement
throughout the book. The Roar also contains hope directed toward a better
life. Mika Smith was born in The Shadows and has lived there his entire
life. Ever since his sister Ellie disappeared one year ago, Mika has been
hoping for a chance at a better life and that time is now. Meanwhile, up in orbit aboard the space Station, The Queen of
the North, Mal Gorman, a 108 year old walking zombie has finally struck gold,
but what will he do with it. Pod Fighter, the tie between Mika and Mal Gorman has come out and now it is
time for them to meet.
Thanks, Micah! (Hey--did you notice that the guy in the book is also named Mika? Of course you did!) I enjoyed this book a whole, whole lot. And I wasn't the only one--that book got more comments than any other ever reviewed on this blog. It has excitement to the max along with thrilling pod fights, a thoroughly despicable villain and a deeply-held secret. Take a look at my original review and all the comments here.
The library system has plenty of copies of The Roar. And we also have copies of The Whisper, the sequel, which I haven't read. I haven't heard of Pod Fighter, though, Micah. Is that a new book? I heard Emma Clayton was going to make this a trilogy but I haven't found out anything about a new book. If you know, Micah, or if any of you reader guys know, please tell me in the Comment section below this post. And if you've read The Roar or The Whisper, let me know that too!
BTW, Micah, any time a guy writes in his first review, he gets a free book from our ultra-cool prize box. Come in any time and claim your book!
Hey, guys, it's Monday. "Well, great big duhhh," you might say, "we already knew that!" The reason I'm telling you is because this is It's Monday! What Are You Reading? day. A very nice kidlit blogger named Jen hosts this every Monday so other kidlit bloggers can write about what they are reading. I thought I'd jump on board that train today and tell you about a couple of things I'm about to start reading and am very excited about.
One is the new book from the great and hilarious Dave Barry, who writes some of the funniest stuff you'll ever belly laugh to. He wrote Science Fair, which has always been a guy favorite. This newest book is The Worst Class Trip Ever and it's about an 8th grade class going on a trip to Washington, DC. Does that sound familiar to anyone? I know a school that sends its eight-graders there every year. Anyway, I've read the first couple of pages and have laughed out loud three times. This ought to be fun! (ps--our good friend Ms. Yingling wrote about how that book was like real life and how also about meeting Dave Barry!)
The other will be fun in a different way. This is The Serpent's Curse, the newest installment of The Copernicus Files by the outstanding Tony Abbott. I've posted recently about another book in this series, so take a look here and see why I'm so happy to get this one.
I'm also going to start on a couple of mythology books by Vicky Shecter, an author who contacted me about her books several months ago. One is called Anubis Speaks! and the other is Hades Speaks!. I've felt bad about never getting around to her books, so, in true MANLY MAN fashion, I'm going to tackle my procrastination and wrestle to the ground! I'm also into a book on my old Nook. Even though I'm reading it on an e-reader, the he library has copies of the actual book and e-copies as well. This book has been around long enough to be a classic. Now I know a lot of boys groan who they hear that word because they think "classic" means old and boring. And, yeah, sometimes that's the case but often a book is a classic because it's still exciting after all these years. Like this one--King Solomon's Mines by H. Rider Haggard. Boys have been thrilling to this for many years and I'm enjoying it a lot. It hasn't gotten to the really good parts yet but it's coming--and even the build-up has been fun!
So that's what the Iron Guy is reading--what about YOU? Write in and tell us what you're reading these days. Can't wait to hear from you!
Hey, all you super-cool reader guys out there, you probably don't need me to tell you what today is--but I'll tell you anyway! It's May the 4th, Star Wars Day. That's because we can say, "May the 4th be with you." Clever, huh? Anyway, guys everywhere love Star Wars and the library has a truly great new book, Ultimate Star Wars by Patricia Barr, Adam Bray, Daniel Wallace and Ryder Windham. It's amazing--it covers all the movies and animated series and has stunning photos and scenes. You GOTTA check this one out!! While we're at it, let me show you the trailer for the NEW Star Wars movie:
Doesn't that look exciting? And it's good to see Hans Solo and Chewbacca again.
Speaking of movies, I saw the new Avengers movie yesterday. I won't say much about since I'm sure most of you will see it or may have seen it already because it has all the things GUYS love in a movie--superheroes, explosions and fights with killer robots. Anyway, one thing really stood out for me. Near the end of the movie, they show a scene of a family at home, waiting for the dad to arrive. There's a boy, curled up on a sofa. And what is that boy doing? Playing a video game? Staring at an hand-held device? No, he's reading a book! A Wimpy Kid book, no less. See, it does prove that boys read!
Mighty Micah and his books
Which brings me to the main point of this post. We held the second meeting of the Boys Read and Write Club last Saturday. Our two friends, Sharyq and Zarak, couldn't make it this time but we had a terrific new guy show up. His name is Micah (aka "Mighty Micah") and he was very excited to be there. Micah and I have talked before and I've recommended several books to him. But what really convinced me that he was a world-class reader guy was that he is a big fan of The Copernicus Files books!! Oh, yeah! So I was very glad to see him come to the meeting Saturday. We had a good time--we started out with some Nerf ball soccer. Micah, of course, is shorter and faster but I'm bigger and could block the goal better. So we had an epic contest--Mighty Micah vs. the Iron Guy! We played a bit of regular soccer, then did something inventive--I got books off the shelves and put them up as "players." Micah and I had to avoid them when bringing the ball up the "field." In fact, Micah knocked one over and had to sit out a "penalty." But, in the end, youth and speed prevailed and Micah won, 3--2.
Then we talked about books we like. Micah reads a wide variety of stuff, including a YA book called Boundless. He liked it so much that he talked me into getting it. You'll see a review of it here one day. Micah doesn't like books that start out slowly; that's why he doesn't like The 39 Clues. He says The Maze of Bones begins slowly. (Hint--stick with it, Micah. It gets really good) After we talked, Micah picked out not just one, not just two but three books to read and review. You'll see them in the picture. One isLucky Strike by Bobbie Pryon, one is The Roar by Emma Clayton and the other is the fabulous Wade and the Scorpion's Claw by Tony Abbott. Good choices! Of all the books I've ever reviewed, The Roargot the most comments from boys. And do I think that Wade and the Scorpion's Claw is good? Just look here.
OK, Micah, I can't wait to see your reviews! We are planing another meeting on Saturday, June 13 at 2:00. It will be a great time, just like the others. And we have plenty of room for new guys! Call me at 704-416-5800 to find out more.