Hey, all you reading fans, this is the Iron Guy checking in with you. Normally, I would give you a review about now but things have been so busy here at the library that I haven't had a chance to finish what I'm reading. Plus, I have a question and a reminder. So with all that going on, let me ask my question, remind you of what needs reminding and let you know what I'm reading and enjoying.
First, do you guys like the new background? Looks pretty cool to me but there are a few others I could use if you don't like this one.

Second, let me remind you that
I'm giving away door hangers to any boy who sends in a review of a Beverly Cleary book or audiobook. Got that, guys? Especially you,
Gram! and
Reid! And

And when the Iron Guy isn't lifting boxcars to maintain his MANLY MAN physique, he's reading cool books. I've got a good one going now--
Secrets of the Dragon Tomb by Patrick Samphire. It was a little slow getting started but, man, is it good now! Part steampunk, part old school sci-fi, it has kicked into high-gear action! I think I'm really going to like this one.

I've also started my first Big Nate book. I'm sure a lot of you already know about Big Nate because I see those books and graphic novels get checked out all the time. "If they're so popular, they must be good," I keep thinking to myself. Right now I'm halfway through
Mr. Popularity and I've liked it. How about you, boys? Have YOU read any Big Nate? What did you think? Let us know in the "Comments" section under this post.

Finally, I know that a lot of guys are fans of the "Who Was" and "Where Is" series of nonfiction books. These books also get checked out a lot. Right now I have three checked out--
Who Was Julius Caesar?,
Where is the Great Wall? and
Where is the Brooklyn Bridge?
How about you, reader guys? What are
YOU reading? All of us want to know. Don't keep us waiting--put something in that "Comments" section the first chance you get! There's probably a lot of good reads that we don't know about yet and we await your reviews as eagerly as a race horse waits the starting bell! As intensely as the First Order searches for an escaped droid! As hungrily as a schoolboy awaits a pizza buffet! As---well, you get the idea. Let us hear from you!!
My readers aren't much into Steampunk, so I'm passing on Dragon's Tomb. The background looks nice! Very manly! I love Big Nate, who is a much nicer person than Greg Heffley. Try Stick Dog, too-- humor for kids AND grown ups!
Stick Dog will be on my TBR list.
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