OK, guys, the
MLB World Series finished Wednesday with game 7 (
yaayyy Houston!) and the
World Series of Reading Contest ended Wednesday at midnight. Both contests were memorable and I bet people will talk about them for a long time afterward. Yes, guys, when you are old and gray and your grandchildren sit admiringly at your feet, you can tell them, "Yes, I remember the historic World Series of 2017 but, what's even better, I remember the legendary World Series of Reading Contest of 2017" and they will be impressed!
Well, all silliness aside, our new friend
Mr. Fox sent in one last review before the final inning, so let's see what he read and liked and then we could tally up the final score.
Book Review: Who Was Leonardo da Vinci? by
Roberta Edwards
The story is about a famous artist named Leonardo da Vinci. His father and
mother were never married and after he was born, they started new families. His
dad took Leonardo to Florence, a city in Italy, to work at an art studio.
Leonardo was a talented artist. He created many paintings but painted only 3
women: the Mona Lisa, the Young Girl with Ermine, and Ginevra de' Benci. He
designed many vehicles to get around in the air, in the water, and on the
ground, including a working bicycle. I liked the book because it was
interesting to learn about someone who was a great, great artist and inventor.
Thanks, Mr. Fox! All guys like these Who Was... biographies. I've read a few myself. (check out the "Who Was..." tab under this post to see what I liked) Leonardo was certainly an interesting man who had a lot of brilliant ideas and could do a lot of different things well. Did you know he designed the first tank?
Yep, he was quite a guy. Anyway, now let's figure up the scores and announce the winners!
According to the rules, this review of a Who Was...biography was worth
three points. Adding that to
Mr. Fox's eighteen points from Tuesday, that gives him a whopping total of
twenty-one points and makes him the
First Place Winner!!
In Second Place is The Beastly Beaman with seven points and Third Place goes to Aaryan with two points. That means that we have three winners!!
All three of you are heroes! |
Well done, men! Be sure to come by the
Myers Park library and claim your prizes. (But please call me at 704-416-5800 ahead of time so I'll be prepared)
And don't stop sending in reviews! Both I and all the reader guys out there always love to hear about terrific fiction, biographies, nonfiction, graphic novels and audiobooks so that we can find cool stuff to read and listen to. So keep them coming! You never know if the Iron Guy might come up with some more ways to keep you participating.