Thursday, September 27, 2007

Arrrrrrrr, Here there be Pirates!!!!!!

Today I am not the Great Sith Lord Darth Bill, but the ultra cool mix of James Bond and Captain Jack Sparrow. Let me introduce myself properly. I'm Bond....... Captain Jack Bond. Dun nu da dun da dun naa, du na du dun nuuu, du dun na du da daa!!!!! Also in the picture is my evil nemesis Captain Annie Blood of my newest adventure Pirate Royale (coming out soon in print and later to be made into a major motion picture).

Captain Bond and his horrible, nasty, bloodthirsty crew! Arrrrrrr!!!
Arrrrrr indeed, but now let me talk about a cool book that I read not to long ago:
Varjak Paw by S.F. Said, Illustrated by Dave McKean - Varjak Paw is a young Mesopotamian Blue cat. He and his large family live in a mansion where everything is grand and quite predictable until their owner, the Contessa, becomes ill and the evil Gentleman appears along with two vicious black cats in tow. Varjak knows that the Gentleman means them harm and escapes with the help of his grandfather who tells him about the Way, a secret martial art form, performed by his ancestors that the family has long forgotten about. After escaping Varjak must learn to live as a stray on the city streets, a world he knows nothing about. He also learns through new friends that he meets, that street cats are mysteriously going missing. Stranger still he starts to dream of meetings with his great ancestor Jalal, a great master of the Way, who starts teaching the art to Varjak. Does Varjak save his family? What happens in his search for a dog to aid him in his adventure? How do the Gentleman, the Mesopotamian Blues and the missing strays all tie-in together? Read this exciting book and find out.
Until next time cats, thats a joke - man I slay me,
Bill "Master of the Way"
Saturday, September 22, 2007
With Apologies to Lord Vader
I've got a message for Mikie, aka Lord Vader. You sent me a comment about The Lightning Thief, the first of the great Percy Jackson books, a while back but I accidentally erased it! I don't know what happened, but it disappeared and I can't get it back.
Aaauughhhh..no! Don't use the Force...it was an accident...choke...gasp...all right, I'm sorry!Would you please send me another comment about The Lightning Thief? I'll do my best to post it without erasing it! In the meantime, if you all want to read my review of that book, click here.
Don't forget--on October 1, I'll issue a challenge of my own to all you readers! Happy reading until then! (gasp...wheeze...cough)
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I Knew It!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
A Quick Response!
I have not yet read any of the 3 books. But I read Goosebumps .... monster blood 3 and I liked it a lot.
From Jacob Eggebeen
Well done, Joseph. Come in and get your free book.
Listen Up! Darth Bill Speaks!

We are the best, oh yeah! Go Sith!!!!
Sith Rule!!!!
Sith Rule!!!!
Sith Rule!!!!
Yes, I feel much better now.
Yes, now on to other matters:

Well take it easy and peace,
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Too Bad!

Monday, September 10, 2007
A Younling Asks, "Can One Jedi Make a Difference?"
Here is the comment from our latest Jedi reader, who chooses to remain anonymous:
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Obi-Wan Kenobi Says, "Write, Noble Jedi!"":
Hello, I am also One, and a true Jedi! If you are looking for two great, wonderful, and realistic books to read, then you have come to the right place! I have recently read two great books. They are called Eleven Kids, One Summer and Ten Kids, No Pets. Both books are by the wonderful author, Ann M. Martin. Ten Kids, No Pets is about a family that moves from a large apartment to a big farm. Their mother will not let them have any pets. The book Eleven Kids, One Summer is about a family that went to the beach for the whole summer. Both books are filled with adventure and fun for all.
OK, Anonymous. Come in and get your free book. Let's hear from another Jedi reader---and the more, the better!
Friday, September 7, 2007
Obi-Wan Kenobi Says, "Write, Noble Jedi!"
Hockey - sniper is a Jedi
Thank you, noble Hockey-sniper. Now we need only two Jedi readers to write and tell us about books you like and you will see Darth Bill in a dress! But we have to hear from you by Setember 10! And the more Jedi who write, the better!
3 Graphic Novels

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
A Comment From a Real Author--of Books For Boys!
Guess what? I just got a comment from a real, honest-to goodness author! His name is Max Elliot Anderson and he writes books specifically for boys. Let's hear what he has to say:
School is starting, and again this year, there will be many boys who don't enjoy reading. I understand those boys because I was one of them. I hated to read as a child. Now I write action-adventures and mysteries especially for boys 8 - 13. My blog, Books for Boys at http://booksandboys.blogspot.com is in the top 5 on Yahoo and the top 20 on Google. You'll find links there to my web site and to 50 pages of reviews for my books. NEWSPAPER CAPER, NORTH WOODS POACHERS, MOUNTAIN CABIN MYSTERY, BIG RIG RUSTLERS, SECRET OF ABBOTT'S CAVE & LEGEND OF THE WHITE WOLF, are compared by readers and reviewers to Tom Sawyer, The Hardy Boys, Huck Finn, Nancy Drew, Tom Swift, Scooby-Doo, Lemony Snicket, and adventure author Jack London.This year, you can change the lives of boys by introducing them to my books. They are ranked by Accelerated Reader and are already making a huge difference with boys. The good news is that girls like them too.
Max Elliot Anderson, Author
Sounds pretty good, huh? I must confess that I haven't read any of his books and PLCMC doesn't have any. Maybe your library or your school does. Have any of you read his books? Let us know! In the meantime, I'm going to link his blog to ours. I've looked at it and it's cool.
Back From the Beach With a New Comment! And the Answer to Mystery Mel!

When I got back, there was a new comment from Hockey-sniper. Here it is:
I read a book called No Howling in the House by Mercer Mayer. It is about this one wolf and he had his mom's magic and the sister had her dad's howl.
I'm in second grade and live in Hawaii. I want to see a picture of Darth Bill wearing a dress!
Well done, Hockey-sniper! I really like books by Mercer Mayer. There's a good one that Mercer illustatrated called Everyone Knows What a Dragon Looks Like by Jay Williams. The story is exciting and Mercer's illustrations are fantastic. Now, to make it official, Hockey-sniper, are you a Jedi? We have to know before Darth Bill puts on that dress. If you are, then we need only 2 more Jedi to write to us by September 10!
Speaking of the force, I have to let all of you know that Lord Vader got it right--Mystery Mel is indeed a girl. The force is really strong in him to figure it out. In fact, she's Melanie, one of our fellow coworkers here at Imaginon. She wanted to comment on our blog and I didn't see anything wrong with that as long as she told us about books boys like. What do you guys think?
Let us hear from you, especially all you Jedi readers!