Saturday, May 24, 2014

48 Hour Book Challenge for the Iron Guy--

Once again, boys, it's that time of year--the time when the Iron Guy tests his endurance, stamina and determination to the utmost limits of his iron abilities.Yes, it's the annual 48 Hour Book Challenge, the weekend in which a lot of kidlit bloggers try to read as many hours as they can over a weekend. I've done this before in 2010, 2011,and 2013. (things were too busy in 2012) So, as in those three glorious years, I'm going to accept the challenge to read, read and read some more. The event will happen in two weeks. That means it's from Friday, June 6 through Sunday, June 8. Technically, bloggers have from 7:00 am of that Friday until 7:00 am of the following Monday morning. The requirement is--brace yourselves--12 HOURS OF READING. That's right--a full quarter of a weekend! "Amazing!" you may say. "It can't be done!" others of you may think.

HA!! It's merely a trivial test for--


The good people who have organized the Challenge this year have picked out the theme of diversity. I've got a list of books to reflect that worthwhile theme and here they are:

Heart of a Samurai by Margi Preus

Black Diamond: The Story of the Negro Baseball Leagues by Patricia C. McKissaack and Frederick McKissack, Jr.

Young Fu of the Upper Yangtze by Elizabeth Foreman Lewis (sorry if the picture isn't very clear)

The Trumpeter of Krakow by Eric P. Kelly

War Horse by Michael Morpurgo

and The Strange Case of the Origami Yoda by Tom Angleberger

Now I know that these last three may stretch the definition of "diversity" a bit but here's how I look at it--one takes in medieval Poland (a different time in history), one has a main character who isn't even a person (pretty diverse), and the last one--well, I just wanted to read it. OK, you could say that one character is a piece of origami and that qualifies (possibly). Besides, it's part of my 2014 resolution and I'll have time to actually get to it.

Will I read ALL those books? Maybe. But I will give it a MANLY try. So come on, June 7--9. The IRON GUY is ready for you!!


I've got a challenge for YOU, reader guys. I want to see if you've got what it takes. Want to know more? Then read the post under this one!


Ms. Yingling said...

Whew. You've got some heavy reads, Iron Guy! I am saving up piles of easy reads for the challenge. I hopesome of your patrons are uo for the challenge, too.

Iron Guy Carl said...

Bah! Nothing's too heavy for the Iron Guy! Actually, I'd be surprised if I got through all of them. And these look like very interesting books and should keep my attention. And the Origami Yoda book would be entertaining. Hey, ask some of your boys if they'd like to participate. Did you read the post under this one?

Anonymous said...

Ha! I love your photos.
And I own "Heart of a Samurai" and have been meaning to read but it just keeps getting put off. I've heard only good things! Hopefully you will say more good things -- THE good things that will finally make me read it. :)

Good luck with the challenge!

Paige Y. said...

Great choices! Origami Yoda is a favorite of mine and I can't keep it on my shelves.