...And Then There Were Four
Well the votes are in, the three pointers shot and the
survivor's standing
proud. Here are the Results from
The Final 8 of The Boys Rule, Boys Read Book Tournament:
First Game Left Side:The Harry Potter Series (seed 1) Vs. The Artemis Fowl Series (seed 4):
Harry Potter 9 Points. 
Artemis Fowl 5 points.
Harry Potter beats a real challenge in Artemis Fowl!!!!!
Second Game Left Side:
Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures (seed 3) Vs. The Jack Sparrow Series (seed 7):

Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures 8 points. 
The Jack Sparrow Series 7 points.
In a very close match Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures edges by The Jack Sparrow Series!!!!!!
Overtime Game on Right Side Between The Percy Jackson Series (seed 1) and The Time Warp Trio Series (seed 8):

Percy Jackson Series 9 points.
The Time Warp Trio Series 8 points.
In another nail biter The Percy Jackson Series sends The Time Warp Trio Series packing!!!!!
Right Side Game 1 after Overtime Game:
The Percy Jackson Series (seed 1) Vs. The Chronicles of Narnia (seed 6):

The Percy Jackson Series 2 points
The Chronicles of Narnia 14 points.
In an upset The Chronicles of Narnia shows that it is a real powerhouse not to be overlooked in the Tournament!!!!
Right Side Game 2:The Charlie Bone Series (seed 4) Vs. The Underland Chronicles (seed 7):

The Charlie Bone Series 5 points.
The Underland Chronicles 9 points.
Charlie Bone puts up a valiant fight but loses to The Underland Chronicles!!!!!
I have to say something here about this tournament. Although some books may go further into the tournament, this is not a reflection on their quality or general awesomeness. These books, among many others that
could have been put in the tournament, are all great books. If there are some that you have never heard about, go to the library and check them out. You may find another really cool series of books that you like. In this contest there are no losers.
And now the new leader board (from computations of the first two rounds) featuring those with a total of 8 points (from voting) or more. Also shown will be three pointers, which are the equivalent of 3 correct votes and tie breaker points from the seeding upsets (ex. a seed 6 beating a seed 1 would be 5 upset points - these are only used to break up ties in voting):
1) Carl M. with 11 points (having 18 upset points) sitting in first place!!!!!
2) Melissa with 11 points (having 8 upset points) in second.
Bekah with 10 points (having 3 upset points).
4) A tie between Stephen and Mary with 9 points (each having 16 upset points).
5) Melanie with 9 points (having 11 upset points).
6) Leah with 9 points (having 10 upset points).
7) A tie between
Cyber Kid and
Anonymous with 8 points (each having 3 upset points; also
Cyber Kid shot a 3 pointer!!!!!!).
8) Matthew and Mona are tied with 8 points (no upset points).
that's were things stand right now kids. I'm sure this order will change with the next round of voting (coming soon). If you are not on this list don't give up!!!!! Keep voting and shoot some three pointers and you will be amazed at what happens.
And now for something completely different; book reviews:
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules by Jeff Kinney – This book is a follow up to the extremely funny “Diary of a Wimpy Kid” that I reviewed way back in my very first “Boy Read, Boys Rule Blog” Thursday, June 7, 2007. Wow, we have not even been doing this a year yet. It’s amazing how time just flies by when you’re having fun. Well this book continues the diary, err… I mean journal, entries of Greg Heffley as he begins another year of school. The book written in a diary/journal format which includes simple illustrations is truly one of the most original books I have read in some time. The main character Greg has to deal with life as kid in a world we all understand (somewhat) that anybody who is or was a boy can identify with spot on. This book, simply put, is laugh out loud hillarious to the point of tears. The family includes Greg, his obnoxious older brother Rodrick (thus the book’s title) who is the drummer in possibly the world’s worst rock band, his younger brother Manny who gets away with bloody murder, and of course his parents. The really cool thing about reading this book is that you are not only laughing at Greg’s experiences, but also happenings and events that perhaps happened to you or that you can really identify with through Greg’s writing. To get a taste of what this book is like checkout the following website: http://www.funbrain.com/journal/Journal.html.

Carl Barks’ Greatest Duck Tales Stories Volume 1 by Carl Barks – If you didn’t know by now, well it’s time to let the secret out. I’m a huge fan of Uncle Scrooge Comics!!!! The true master of all the Disney Duck tales ever told was Carl Barks (1901 – 2000). His Uncle Scrooge stories are in a class by themselves and have stood the test of time. This collection comes from Uncle Scrooge stories that Barks wrote and were adapted into a television series called Duck Tales (sans Donald who was replaced in the series by Launchpad McQuack) that ran from 1987 to 1990. These are the original stories collected in graphic novel format with Donald back were he belongs. These are wonderful stories full of adventure, action, and lots of laughs. Visit the wild and woolly Klondike, journey far beneath the earth to find the unexplainable explained, face true fear and hilarity in the face of the Hound of the Whiskervilles and the Abominable Snowman, rocket into inner space and so much more. Uncle Scrooge, Donald, and his nephews (Huey, Louie, and Dewey) will take you to the limits of your imagination with stories not soon to be forgotten.

Amulet: Book One, The Stonekeeper by Kazu Kibuishint- Wow, this is a really cool graphic novel that I encourage everyone to give it a read. The story starts out with a terrible accident that forces major changes in the lives of sister and brother Emily and Navin. Because of the accident Em, Navin, and their mother are forced to move into an abandoned house once lived in by Grandpa Silass who disappeared under mysterious circumstances. The kids find out that their grandfather was an inventor of sorts but even more importantly Em finds a magical amulet that is a total mystery to her. On the families first night in the house, they are awoken by sounds coming from the basement. While investigating the sound, a strange tentacled creature pulls their mother through a mysterious doorway to another world. Em and Navin determined to save their mom follow and thus begins their true adventure in a place like nothing they could have imagined.
Well that all to next time you crazy kooky kids. Until we blog again,