Thursday, January 31, 2008
Note to Will
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
The Latest From Lord Vader
Hi everyone. It's Lord Vader a.k.a. Mikie. I think that is so cool. I just finished with Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book Three - The Titan's Curse by Rick Riordan and I loved it so much. I can't wait to read book four. I'm thinking there will be a book five since Percy isn't 16 yet and he can't be part of the prophecy until then. Plus Hades having a child now is making things really interesting. If you haven't read any of the series yet, I really think you should.
Good to hear from you again, Lord Vader. Did you that one of your sith is on the run from a bunny??? Those Percy Jackson books are great, aren't they? LV is right--if you haven't read a Percy Jackson book, go get one now!!! Yes, there will be five books in the series. Mr Riordan has said that he will stop at five, so we'll get to know how the prophecy turns out. Any guesses?
Listen, LV, Mr. Riordan sent us 3 Medium-sized Camp Half-Blood T-shirts this Christmas. We gave away two for our last contest. That means there's one left and we'd like to give it to you since you're the first boy who's read all three Percy Jackson books and written to us about them. Come on in and pick it up!!
BTW, if you'd like to see and hear Mr. Riordan from the new book, click here.
Tales of brave Beowulf and other Miscellaneous Nonsense

Geezzz, now I got an angry squirrel after me!!!! What the heck did I do?????????
Now, really, on to buisness as unusual. Check out these photographs from the Beowulf Program we had just the other day, it was really alot of fun (and if you get the chance maybe pick up one of the books I recommended from my 1/18/08 posting)!!!
Some of the gang making paper bag Grendel puppets. Scarry stuff I tell ya!!!!!!!!
Darth Bill demonstrating to the gang that running with Sciccors is cool!!!!!! (um, don't tell your parents I said that, okay)
Beowulf and a Coke. It just doesn't get better than that!!!!(and if your thinking the Coke Company paid me to say that, well I just wish!!!!!)
And now ladies and gentlemen, Grendel versus Beowulf!!!!! (Gee, I always thought Beowulf would be alot taller?????)
And now for something completly different, Book Reviews:
Wild Ride: A Graphic Guide Adventure by Liam O’Donnell and Mike Deas – This is a very cool graphic novel about several strangers who are on their way into the deep wilderness of
The World of Quest: Volume 1 by Jason Kruse – Welcome to the whacked out, dangerous, and just plain strange
Oh, parting is such sweet sorrow! Until we blog again peace all,
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Cyber Kid Gets His Book (and Melanie writes again!)


Monday, January 28, 2008
Revenge of the Lagomorph
Er, I'm afraid I have just received some disturbing news. Now I know all you readers out there heard my account of the ferocious battle I had with the Scary Bunny in which I acquired a lucky rabbit's foot. If not, check out my last post for the thrilling account (posted on 1-18). Well, um, last week I received the following from the Scary Bunny. Turns out he takes offense to the term Scary Bunny actually, eh, and calls himself "The Lagomorph."
Darth Bill's Nemesis
First off, as all you know, I never tell a fib--well hardly ever. Okay, maybe half the time, but the rest is all truth; mostly. As to me making up this particular story, well all I can say is, uh: "Did Not!!!!!!!!!" It's true I tell ya, all true!!!!!! Sneaking up and hitting someone from behind, indeed! The very thought that I would stoop to something so low is highly offensive. I know you all believe in me and I have you full support, right???? And another thing, if you think I'm afraid of this here Lagomorph, well, I just want to tell him and all out there, I welcome a rematch of our epic battle!!!!!! I would just request that I be notified a week in advance to, um, make sure I'm not going be out of town (yea, that's the ticket). So bring it on, Lagomorph, 'cause ya don't scare me (much, okay a little, okay a lot actually - oops, did I just say that out-loud!!!!! Na, I'm sure everyone will believe my twisting of the truth and that I am totally cool.)
Now on to some cool reads I have done recently:
Disney’s Pirates of The second book in this series (The first was The Coming Storm that I reviewed back on 11-21-07) about a much younger Jack than we later meet in the movies. In this adventure Captain Jack Sparrow and his crew (actually, his young friends Arabella, Fitzwilliam, Jean, Tumen and a very easily irritated cat
Avengers and Power Pack Assemble – This is one Graphic Novel I have been waiting for with great anticipation. Why, you may ask? Go ahead and ask…(OK--why?)……Because it is a Graphic Novel that not only has Power Pack, the coolest superhero kid team ever (Zero-G, Lightspeed, Mass Master and Energizer); it also includes the coolest adult superhero team ever--The Avengers (Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, etc.). This team up is filled with action, intrigue, funny stuff, and of course lots of “Clobberin Time!!!!!!” Enuf Said as the Great Stan Lee would say!!!!
Before I sign off I wanted to share just a few more photographs from our Heroes & Villains Festival that we had on January 22, so here they are:
Some of the guys and girls being shown the Firetruck that the really cool Firemen brought with them!!!!!!!
Some of the fellas rockin out with Guitar Hero!!!
Some of the really outstanding costumed heroes who showed up at the event!!!!!
I'm not sure who this man of mystery is, but my money is on that he is a powerful Sith Lord!!!!!!!
The very cool parade of heroes and villains that we had at the event!!!
One of the enforcers, um I mean volunteers, helping out with the Wii at the event!!!!!!!!!!!
Well that's all folks! Until next time, happy trails to you all,
P.S. I just have to let everyone know that the newest Bone Graphic Novel is out (Volume 7, Ghost Circles). I am about to start reading it, I checked it out from the library, and am very excited about it. Here is a quick peek at the cover:
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Note to Will's Dad
And a reminder--Bill has rescheduled his Beowulf program for next Tuesday, the 29 th at 2pm. He told me about it and it sounds great! Call 704-973-2720 to register.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Word Gets Around!
Hi Guys! Thanks so much for mentioning my novels 101 Ways to Bug Your Parents and 101 Ways to Bug Your Teacher. I'm honored! And it's true: I have a son (he's almost 12) and two younger brothers (yes, as the Big Sis I bugged them too), so I definitely know that Boys Rule and Boys Read!
My son is a big fan of the Rick Riordan books. Some of his other favorite books are: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman; The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series by Michelle Paver; Enders Game by Orson Scott Card; The Artemus Fowl Series by Eoin Colfer; and, oh yeah, he kinda likes my books too.Keep you eyes peeled for my next book, coming next year: 101 Ways to Bug Your Friends & Enemies.
Catch that reading bug!-Ms. Lee Wardlaw
Thank you so much, Ms. Wardlaw. We're honored that you wrote to us. Please feel free to write to us again--and tell your son to write to us! I'm glad your son is a fan of Rick Riordan's books. I am, too! In fact, I've got a special something to tell you and all the other Percy jackson fans at the end of this post.
We also had a comment from a fellow blogger, Chris Everheart:
Hey guys. Groovin' on your blog. Keep up the fun. Chris
Thanks, Chris! We're definitely having fun here. Chris is an author of YA thrillers. (YA stands for "Young Adult") He used to be a reluctant reader but then he "caught that reading bug" and now writes books that boys, especailly middle school and high school boys, would like. He wants to inspire a million boys to read. If you'd like to read his story and see what he says about our blog, check out the site below:
Our library system does not have any of his books, unfortunately. He's got some good links to other sites about books for boys, so take a look---and all you parents, teachers, and librarians take a look, too!
And now for a real treat! I just came off of Rick Riordan's blog and heard and saw him read some of the opening to his new Percy Jackson book, The Battle of the Labyrinth. This book has one the best first sentences I ever heard: "The last thing I wanted to do on my summer break was to blow up another school." To hear the rest, click here.
All right, guys, keep up the good work!
PS--In all the excitement yesterday, I forgot to get cyber kid 303 his free book. Come and get it next time you're here. And we still have your free T-shirt, Will. If you live in the Charlotte area, come to the library in Imaginon and pick it up.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
HAIL Heroes (and Villains)

And the Winner Is...
Or should I say THE WINNERS ARE:
cyber kid 303 and Will!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, the race was so close AND you two have both worked so hard that Bill and I thought it only fair to award you both a free Rick Riordan T-shirt. You've both done really well and we're proud of you, so you both get one. If you can come to our Heroes and Villains festival today, we'll give it to you then. If you can't, let us know and we'll hold it for you or find a way to get it to you.
Well done!!!!! Will and cyber kid were so eager, in fact, that they both sent us new comments over the weekend but I'm very busy today and won't be able to post them until later. All right? Congratulations to you both and to everyone who wrote in----or should I say writes in. I hope you all keep up the good work!!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
Yet Even More From Will and cyber kid 303!
I mean it. You all rock and roll!! Here are 2 new comments from Will:
The Practical Joke War by Alane Ferguson is a great book because Taffy,Russell,and Eddy want to see who will forfiet first in the battle so they go on a crazy battle just to see who will win and what will happen.
Aliens for Dinner by Stephanie Spinner is as good as Aliens for Breakfast because Richard goes on another world-saving adventure with his alien friend to stop the dorfs from trashing up our planet and then taking it over.
Excellent work, Will! You've really made me want to read them. Now we have one more from cyber kid 303:
The American Chillers series by Jonathan Rand are very good books because they are very, very scary. Some of the best ones are Iron Insects of Indiana, Washinton Wax Museum, and South Carolina Sea Creatures. He has not written one yet about North Carolina. Jonathan Rand is also a really, really nice guy. Mr. Rand and I write to each other and he will directly answer your letters, too. He also has a website at He has a cool store in Michigan called Chillermania.
Very good , cyber kid. This is really close! Here are the standings: (I believe these are correct)
Will--7 entries
cyber kid 303--8 entries
Sir Samuel--2 entries
Melanie, Tyler, and Anonymous--1 entry each
So here's the situation--I will be off the next 3 days because of the weekend and Martin Luther King Day. (The library will be closed that day) Monday is the final day of the contest, so you can keep writing through Monday night. I'll post the results Tuesday (hopefully Tuesday morning) You can come pick up your T-shirt any time you'd like, but if you can get to the Heroes and Villains festival Tuesday afternoon, I'll give it to you then.
All right? Enjoy your long weekend.
I Was Not Sick, errr, I Was Mortally Wounded!!!

Yes, while hunting down lowly Jedi in the Outer Rim, I ran across this "innocent looking creature." I proceeded to calling it all sorts of ugly names when all of a sudden it flew through the air, its huge, hideous, great long pointy teeth going straight for my throat!!!!! I drew my lightsaber just in time to deflect it's try for my throat. All I can say is that for 3 days and 3 nights we fought a great battle. How did this epic battle, much greater than that between Beowulf and Grendel, end? Lets just say that now I have a brand spanking new lucky rabbit's foot! However I was wounded most grievously and thus I was forced to stay home mending, using great Sith magics, to pull myself from the brink of death. Thus I missed doing my Beowulf program. But do not be unduly sad as the Beowulf program has been rescheduled for Tuesday, January 29 at 2:00. Hope to see you there. Also don't forget about the Heroes and Villains Festival Tuesday, January 22 starting at 2:00.
Well enough about my recent adventures, lets talk about some good reading material, me buckos!!!!
Two really good books I have read recently concerning Beowulf are:

Another great version of the Beowulf story is:

Beowulf adapted and illustrated by Gareth Hinds - This retelling of the Beowulf legend is equal parts text and illustrations. Mr. Hinds uses cool illustrations to not only enhance this great story, but at times the artwork alone is the tool in which the story is told. One great example is the battle between Grendel and Beowulf. Told strictly through illustrations without a single word, this battle scene will leave you breathless. I highly recommend this book!!!!!!
And now for something completely different!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just wanted to talk briefly about 2 Graphic Novels that are brand new to the library and I recently finished reading.

Well, little cow pokes, until next time,
Thursday, January 17, 2008
And Even More From Will!
Aliens for Breakfast by Stephanie Spinner is a good book because Richard finds an alien in his cereal box.And they go try to save the world.
Keep it up! The same for all the rest of you out there. But pleeeeaaasseee!!! I gotta go home!
More From Cyber Kid

Cyber kid and Will are neck-and-neck in the free T-shirt contest but I'll have to post the standings tomorrow. We're going to have some fun at the Heroes fest next Tuesday from 2-4. We'll have Guitar Hero, a place to get your body traced and design your own hero (or villain), a portable basketball goal to be a Basketball Hero, a knights vs dragons balloon sword area, and more fun stuff. Be sure to come!
PS--Darth Bill is back! I thought he was sick but I was wrong! Just wait until you hear his amazing story!
More from Will
We've go a new comment from Will:
I think Goosebumps Return of the Mummy by R.L.Stine is a good book because I like the way the mummy comes alive and scares people.
Good job, Will. I think you and cyber kid 303 may now be tied. I'm busy this morning and don't have time to figure it up, so I'll check it later. I'll also tell about some of the cool events at our Heroes and Villains festival.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A Mom Writes In!
OK - I'm a mom, not a kid, but it's great to see boys loving books as much as my daughter does - basically her idea of heaven is having me read her Harry Potter all day long. Love that HP makes kids voracious readers.
Thanks, Jennifer! I'm glad to see that a mom knows it's true--boys like to read. That what we try to do on this blog--show everyone that boys read and can develop a lifelong love of reading. So let's spread the word to grownups and other boys that reading is cool and that Boys Rule! Boys Read!
PS--How many of you guys would like to read HP all day?
Will Speaks Again!
I like the Lightning Thief because Percy has a cool pen that can turn into a sword that he calls Riptide.I also like the way he battles with it and that it can't hurt mortals.
I think the book The Name of This Book is Secret is a good book because Cass and Max-Ernest try to help find a magician's brother with a box called the Symphony of smells.
The Fire Within is a great book because David moves in with the Pennykettles but while he's staying there he notices that his clay dragon[It was from Mrs.Pennykettle]starts to come alive and so do the other ones so later on David finds out that they are really helping him from being hurt by the evil sources from the world
Three posts in one day--very impressive, Will. This is so great. Keep it up, everyone!
The competition is really heating up now.

Very, very funny. Here are the standings:
Will--4 entries
cyber kid 303--5 entries
Sir Samuel--2 entries
Melanie, Anonymous, and Tyler--1 entry each
I'll post the standings again tomorrow along with some info about the Heroes and Villains festival. By the way, would you guys do us a favor--would you please include the names of the authors when you post a comment? I try to update our list of books every month and it makes it easier when I know who the authors are. Thanks!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Can Hardly Keep Up!
I have not read all the Harry Potter books. I am in the middle of the third one, Prisoner of Azkaban. I have seen all the movies and I think the best is a tie between Harry Potter and the Sorcorer's Stone and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The movies are really cool with the animations and special effects, but the books are better with more things going on. So far, I like the book Prisoner of Azkaban best.
I heard Darth Bill is sick and can't do the Beowulf program. I'm sorry he is sick.
Here are some books I really like.
Goosebumps books by R. L. Stine
American Chillers books by Jonathan Rand
Rotten School books by R. L. Stine
Captain Underpants books by Dav Pilkey
The Fudge series by Judy Blume
Judy Moody books by Megan McDonald
Hank Zipzer books by Henry Winkler
Choose Your Own Adventure series by R.A. Montgomery and Shannon Gilliganand
the Matt Christopher series by Matt Christopher.
I'm glad you like the Matt Christopher books. I like them too. I've never read the Fudge or the Hank Zipzer books, though, and you've made me curious.
Whew! Hard work keeping up with you all. Keep it up!!!
A GIRL Writes In!

Like I said, she's pretty cool. I think we should make her an honorary guy. What do you think?
Carl, another non-evil librarian (none of us are evil, except maybe Darth Bill and he's a part-time Sith)
The Return of Sir Samuel
Sir Samuel returns! After a long break from posting- knight crusades and whatnot- I hath a new tale to tell of- two if you're ready to brace thyselves. And so rideth back into battle I do, leaving new reviews!
War of the Worlds This book is widely known, yet what it's actually like is much unknown. Many people think of mass alien battles. Instead, this book gives you a view of the world that is very interesting, poses important philosophical questions, and gives a tale of human nature and fear unlike any other. As the main character struggles through a world that belongs to invaders, merciless beings of destruction, truths dawn on him that make this a treacherous beast to cut through, yet a great reward for those greatly intense readers.
The Sea of Trolls This is a fantasy set in a world of magic songmasters, giant trolls, wicked demons, and fearless vikings with names such as Olaf One-Brow- and if that sentence isn't inviting, then you're a martian. This is a comical, yet hard-spirited tale that is mystifying, as well as suprising. This is a great adventure novel, and for the offhand non-commital reader a good treat. In a sea of trolls, you can rarely find a troll as fine as this one. So if size dosen't taunt you, swim on in.
Thank ye fer listening to a chum such as me's ramblings- and a happy day to all whom read this!
Well done, most excellent sir. It's good to have you back; in fact, I've wondered where thou hast been and when thou wouldst return. Dost thou know about our Heroes and Villians festival next Tuesday from 2-4? We could certainly benefit by a visit from such a worthy knight. Though you might have to be careful lest Darth Bill challenge thee to single combat.
All right, back to modern language. I read The War of the Worlds in the 7th grade and loved it. It's sort of a tough read because it's written in the language of 1898, but it's not too bad and it's well worth it. (I'm assuming you mean the H. G. Wells book, Sir Samuel) I'll never forget those awful Martians emerging from their canisters, those terrible machines picking up people, or the main character stuck in a coal cellar with that mechanical tentacle reaching in for him! And it really did seem like human civilization was coming to an end because of the unstoppable Martians. What a book! Get out there and find it, guys! By the way, when I was coming up, we had a group of comics called Classics Illustrated. I think the only one I read was The War of the Worlds. Here's what the cover looked like:

Pretty cool, huh? Every time I read about those Martian destroying machines, this is still how I picture them. Well, keep up the good work, guys!
PS--can you imagine a comic book ever costing 15 cents?
PPS--I hate it, but the Beowulf program has been cancelled for today. Bill's been sick, so he can't make it. Get well soon, man!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Cyber Kid Speaks Yet Again!
Harry Potter & the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling is a good book about Harry who finds out he is a wizard and goes to a wizard boarding school. He finds adventure, friends and danger. This non-stop action book is the sequel to Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, which I put on this blog also. This time a deadly creature goes into the school and starts killing students. Lots of new things happen and some interesting Quidditch games.
You're right--The Chamber of Secrets is a really good book. Did you all like the movie version?
And which Harry Potter book do you all think is the best?
We're on a Roll!

By the way, the standings now are:
Will--1 enrty
Friday, January 11, 2008
Cyber Kid Speaks Again!
My computer connection failed just as I was sending my comment, so I'm resending it just in case it didn't make it earlier.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling--Harry, who grew up with muggles (non-magical people), is really a wizard. His muggle mom and his wizard dad died when a powerful, evil wizard named Voldemort killed them. The only other wizard more powerful than him is Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts school that teaches magic. Harry, meanwhile, at age 11 is living with his horrible aunt and uncle and their horrible son, Dudley. They get a letter that says Harry should go to Hogwarts where he not only finds friends and adventure, but also danger.J.K. Rowling has written 6 other books in the Harry Potter series that is one of the top selling series in the world. Other Harry Potter books in the series include, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (I just finished this one and will write a blog about it next), Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
P.S. I am going to the Beowulf program.
Very good, cyber kid. I know you'll enjoy the Beowulf program--Bill does really good stuff. Besides, Beowulf is one of the greatest hero-vs-monster stories of all time. Have you read all the Harry Potter books, cyber kid? I haven't, I'm sorry to say, but Bill has. Which one is your favorite, Bill? How about the rest of you--which one is your favorite?
PS--Did you know we have a technowizard here at Imaginon who got her degree in Computer Magic from Hogwarts? Don't believe me? Look at our December 5 post called "Kelly the Technowizard Comes Through"
Fantastic! More Comments! (and two really fun books)
Good work guys. Come in and get your free books. I agree with both of you about the Percy Jackson books. They're the best thing I've read in years. I can't wait for the fourth one either. Yes, there is supposed to be a Lightning Thief movie. Chris Columbus, who did the first Harry Potter movie, will direct it. You can go to Rick Riordan's website (we've got a link to it on the left-hand side of thiis page) and find out more.
Speaking of The Lightning Thief, I've read a couple of books that relate to it:
Are any of you guys on sports teams? Is your training pretty tough? Well, it would have been nothing compared to what you had to do to get into the ancient Greek Olympics! I found that out when I read this really fun book, You Wouldn't Want to Be a Greek Athlete: Races You'd Rather Not Run by Michael Ford. You had to compete in the Pentathalon, which means you had to do five events: Javelin (spear) toss, running, long jump, discus toss, and wrestling. Competiton was brutal--some people got killed in the wrestling matches! Yet even though the winner didn't get much money, he got a lot of fame and glory.
The other book is You Wouldn't Want to Be in Alexander the Great's Army: Miles You'd Rather Not March by Jacqueline Morley. Imagine you're an ancient Greek farmer. You'll probably stay on that farm your whole life and never go anywhere. Sound boring? Then imagine you've got a chance to join the army and see (and conquer) the world. Sounds like a good deal, right? WRONG! Sure, you'll conquer lots of kingdoms and get lots of treasure, but you'll spend years on the march, cross burning deserts and freezing mountains, and most of you won't come back. But if you make it, you will have been part of one the greatest armies the world will ever see. Both these books are extremely interesting and they have hilarious illustrations. I can't tell you how much fun I had with these books--and I bet you will too!
So here's how the standings in the free T-shirt competton are: Cab--1 entry; cyber kid 303--2 entries; anaonymous--1 entry; Tyler--1 entry. The guy who who sends in the most comments, talking about books, by January 21 wins a free t-shirt from Rick Riordan. So keep those comments coming in!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Cyber Kid Speaks Again!
I did see Wendelin Van Draanen at Novello, along with all the other authors. I even got to eat breakfast & talk to Jeff Smith, author of Bone, who I know Darth Bill likes. I am not part cyber, but I love computers (and books).
P.S. Your Pegasus program was great!
Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl -- Danny, a boy whose mom died when he was 4 months old, was left with his dad who swore to himself that he would not go poaching (illegally hunting) again until Danny was old enough to stay home alone at night in the gypsy caravan where they lived. His dad broke the swear and Danny woke up in the middle of the night worried. Soon, Danny becomes more interested in poaching and wants to do it himself. There are interesting things that happen in this book and it is perfect for a book club.Roald Dahl has written many other good books...The Magic Finger, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, The Twits, The BFG and others. I'm going to see The BFG at Imaginon this month!
Whew, I'm glad you're not part cyber. I'd hate to think a Borg was coming into the library regularly. Thanks for the compliment about the Pegasus program. I had a really good time too. Hope you can come to Bill's program on Beowulf next Tuesday and the Heroes and Villians festival on the 22nd.
Well, you're now in the lead for the free T-shirt contest, but don't rest yet--I bet there are other guys out there, itching to write and get that shirt. How about it, guys?
And if you all want to find out the Childrens' Theatre production of The BFG

And if you want to learn more about Roald Dahl, check out the extremely cool and fun site, click here.
Take it easy,