Monday, August 31, 2009
Good Audiobooks for Guys

Tuesday, August 25, 2009
it's fun to say "farts"

Okay, there is actually a book I want to talk about here and it is called Bubble Homes and Fish Farts which is a super cool non-fiction book about things that live in and around the water. The book talks about all sorts of animals that use bubbles in really cool and interesting ways. And you probably guessed, it even talks about fish farts, and that just makes me smile.
Superheros and Swords - Too Cool!!!

Issue 1 of 5
Now it's time to talk about some really cool weapons from the past:

Here are some pictures I found concerning some of the people and weapons found in Swords: An Artist's Devotion >

Warrior of ancient China!!!
Finally their was a comment on the August 12, 2009 Post "Captain America and Bone"by No Name: "Captain America is waaayyy better than Bone. Captain A has that shield and Bone has nothing."
Well a picture is worth a million words and as much as I love Cap the truth must be revealed:
Till next time all me amigos,
Monday, August 24, 2009
Logan Writes About The Roar
I loved this book and it made me think alot about how the author left open in the end. It made me wonder if there could possibly be a sequel to this book. But the thing about this book is that even if emma clayton doesn't write a sequel to this book she gave us the seeds to comtemplate whether mika and ellie will survive through this new future and actually made this evn more exciting. Do you know if for sure if there is going to be a sequel or be made into a trilogy for sure? Oh and I think I figured out who the Green man was but I'm not sure entirely but the way the author put the quote in at the end fits the book's entire meaning that the author is trying to express throughout the book!

PS--will there be a sequel? Just found out there will! It''l be a two-book series instead of a trilogy! Oh, boy!! Can't wait!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Erec Rex: The Search for Truth

Let me say one more thing, though. What sets a really good fantasy story apart from a merely good story is the "sense of wonder"; in other words, you see and experience amazing things that you couldn't find anywhere else. You get that in the Narnia books, the Lord of the Rings, the Barnstormers/Sluggers series, and the Percy Jackson books. You also get it here. Just wait until you see what happens when Erec gets all five of the Awen together. It's incredible. Or sometimes you get a sense of "dreadful wonder" in which something so horribly bad happens that...well, you'll just have to read for yourselves! (like cahpater 16. Yeesh! Yuck!) And whenever Thanatos appears. Wow! If he doesn't creep you out, I don't know what will. Anyway, Kaza Kingsley is one of those few writers that creates a real sense of wonder. And she tells an exciting sotry. You'll keep turning page after page to find out what's going to happen. EREC REX: THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH. Go get it, guys
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Carl's "Prize" For "Winning" the Battle of the Bums
Hey boys! Evil Ellen here. I'd just like to say that it was an honor choosing the punishment for Carlman (a.k.a. Miss Carlotta), though it ended up being way more fun than a punishment should be. I'd also like to put a warning out there that watching this may not be safe for children under the age of ten. Well, truthfully it may not be safe for anyone. Oh well. Enjoy!!
I don't know---maybe kids under ten will laugh the loudest! Enough talk! Heeeeere's Carl!
Hey Guys, Master Jedi Zack here. All I can say is Darth Bill must have had something to do with this! I think it is going to be very hard for THE CARLMAN to enforce balance in the force without Darth Bill and I bursting into laughter. Evil Ellen is truly truly Evil for this and I think we might need to start calling her Evil Evil Ellen just to be safe.
Greetings all in the Land of Blog. Darth Bill "Prince of Evil (but not so evil as Evil Evil Ellen)" here. I just want you all to know that I am distancing myself as far away (like a gallexy, far, far away) from this video. It is disturbing not only to Jedi, but we Sith as well. Watch only if you are ready to lose lots of sleep. Sigh....what has become of this once pround and noble blog?
It's just gotten better, in my opinion! I'll be available for autographs in the lobby. I think I see a CD in the future--"Miss Carlotta Sings 'The Who'"!!!! Oh, yeah!!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
the Master Jedi's Summer
Just like THE CARLMAN, I have been crazy busy this summer (not to be confused with just plain CRAZY like Darth Bill) and so I didn't post about as many books I would normally. I did help lots of guys who came into my library find great books, does that count?!

Now the library has books 2 (The Icy Hand) and 3 (The Silver Casket) of the series. If that isn't enough for you book 4 (The Darkling Curse) is on its way as well. I haven't yet read past book 1, so I guess I have a project for the fall once all you guys are back in school and my library gets all quiet and boring once again.
Summer Reruns

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Captain America and Bone
Hurricane Gold is coming out soon, and I think I saw a fifth book out in the UK. David Gilman has a new spy one coming out soon, too. Ice Claw, I think!
Thanks for the heads up Ms. Yingling. I am reading the second Young James Bond book as I write this (Blood Fever).
Well I'm really excited because ImaginOn just picked up a new Comic Book Series to carry and man is it fun!!!! I just got finishing reading the first issue we received, so I thought I would write about it:

Another thing I'm excited about is another Bone book by Jeff Smith that has just been put out by Scholastic.

Well that's all I have for now all you hepcats so peace,
Monday, August 10, 2009
Star Wars Camp Grand Finale!
This was, of course, the final Star Wars camp of the summer. Master Jedi Zack held two of them in Matthews and Darth Bill and the CARLMAN each held one at Imaginon. We decided to combine the two camps for the last session here at Imaginon. That meant danger, naturally, when a sith and a jedi get together. Here is the result:

General Grievous
Excuse me Carlman, while I did have a fun time watching the "Star Wars: The Clone Wars," I feel the movie was made by Jedi sympathizers. I mean come on, the Jedi come out victorious almost throughout the whole movie, which we know is just ridiculous. But they did get it right at the end of the movie when General Grievous all by his lonesome kicks about 4 to 5 Jedi rear ends (Yea baby, that's reality!!!!!!). But seriously, I had a ton of fun this summer with these programs and hope all you out there in "The Land of Blog" who attend the programs had a good time to. I also really want to thank the terrific speakers we had at the programs. May the Force be with you all,
Darth Bill
(P.S. The book looks interesting and I do like pickles!!!!)
Master Jedi Zack's turn now! The camps were a blast. Of course the Jedi won out throughout the movie, us Jedi may appear to be beaten at times, but we always come back to save the day. Thanks CARLMAN (and I guess Darth Bill) for having me over to ImaginOn for the program. The camps held here at Matthews were a lot of fun, and now there is a whole group of young Jedi to keep an eye on that Sithhead Bill!
Here are a few pictures from the final camp.
Professor Northcott talks about Luke Skywalker!

The CARLMAN tries to use the Force to recharge a battery (didn't work)

Darth Bill plots another dastardly Sith plot

As you can see, a good time was had by all, Jedi and Sith alike. We were glad we could all be there togetherwith the guys. Watch for our joint post on the Frankie Pickle book!
Friday, August 7, 2009
The Pool of Fire

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Third City of Ember Book Club Meeting

Of course we didn't just sit down and start talking--the meeting began with a game

Monday, August 3, 2009
Da "WINNER!" The # 1 Bum!
Now for the "prize"--Carl gets to sing a song and wear an outfit picked out by ELLEN. The same Ellen who went before the Court of Cosmic Justice. Who was called "Evil Ellen." Who gets a chance for REVENGE!! What will she make him wear??

Saturday, August 1, 2009
LORD VADER Writes Once More!
I just finished the last book in the Harry Potter series. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows was full of action from beginning to end. It was very good and I would recommend this book to other people. The last battle in this book was awesome. I loved the book, but I'm kind of disappointed it was the last book in the series. At least I can look forward to the movie. Mikie (a.k.a. Lord Vader) P.S. I haven't seen the Half Blood Prince yet but hopefully will soon.
Thanks, Lord Vader! A lot of people liked this one (including Zack), but Bill would disagree. He called it "Harry Potter and the Endless Camping Trip!" If you want to see what he, Zack, and other reader guys said, click on the tab underneath this post.
And don't for get to vote in The Battle of The Bums. You have until 6:00 PM today. We'll announce the "winner" on Monday.