Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The Bruner Boys Beware on Gary Paulsen, Evil Webkinz, and Old T-shirts

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Darth Bill is a Dufuss and I Loved the Book
I know it must be difficult for a Sith to read a long book, but that is no reason to say it isn't very good! I encourage all readers (boys and girls alike), to cast a vote saying just how WRONG Bill's comment was!!! Just remember a true Jedi does the right thing and only votes once. We can win this vote with honor, don't fall to the dark side and cheat!
In my Jedi opinion, this book was the perfect end to one of the greatest series of all time. Okay, now we can get back to making sure those girls don't take over our blog.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Oh, No! It's War Again!

What--you don't believe me? Well, here is the proof from Mary, who read Sophia's review today:
This is a cool review. I think you should read Danny the Champion of the World and other Roald Dahl books, too.
By the way, I am Sophia's friend, also from Metrolina Regional Scholars' Academy, and she and some of my other friends from school are trying to do a hostile takeover!
The Diary of a Wimpy Kid was a great book, too! I really thought it was funny. There's a sequel to it, too. It's called Rodrick Rules. That book's good, too.
~Mary from Metrolina Regional Scholars' Academy (MRSA)
Pretty good, Mary! A lot of kids have also talked about how much they liked the Diary of a Wimpy kids books and...Wait a minute, I almost forgot myself!! We're in the middle of a hostile takeover!!

Of Webkinzs, Harry Potter, Capt'n Eli and 39 Clues
1) How many of you out there have heard about this Webkinz phenomenon? Well Mrs. Leah here at ImaginOn has adopted one that was forced upon us. I swear, I think these creatures are pure evil. Just take a look:

Just look into it's eyes!!!!! I tell you this creature is up to no good. Can you feel the evilness just radiating from it??????
Well it just so happened that Leah was not here today so I took matters into my on hands and challenged this vicious animal, with sharp pointy teeth, to a duel!!!!
What happened, you are asking yourselves?????? Well let's just say once I find were this evil creature is now hiding I will soon have a new pair of very comfortable winter gloves. Check out below the Webkinz''s cowardice as it runs from my lightsaber:

Help me!!! Help me!!! This here Sith is crazy!!!!!!
2) Well I finalllllllllllllly finished reading the last installment of the Harry Potter Series: "The

3) The second installment in "The Undersea Adventures of Capt'n Eli" has recently come out (we are in the process of getting some copies that the wonderful folk up in Maine were so kind to give to the library system) and me and Carl are in Graphic Novel Heaven!!!!!!!! Check out the pics below:

Carl and myself high-fiving as we get ready to dig into the latest Capt'n Eli Graphic Novel!!!!!

4) The 39 Clues Book: "The Maze of Bones" and the website game is extremely popular here in the Spangler Room. Just look how nicely we play together to be the next to get to read it:

Yea, just one big happy family!!!! Kinda makes me weepy eyed (just feel the love)!!!!!!!

Well, that's all I got for now folks. Talk to me and tell me what you think.
Now This Is More like It!
Danny the Champion of the world is by Roald Dahl. It is about a little boy named Danny whose dad goes paoching one night. Poachng is when you go out into the woods and "steal" food for your families. Danny has only father; his mother died when he was four months old. Danny's father poaches pheasants and one day he falls in a hole and breaks his leg, then Danny has to go and rescue his dad. Then Danny and his father think up a way to poach two hundred birds at one time. This book will keep you on your toes, it has so much action in it. That is why I love it and think you all should read it.
James and the Giant Peach is, again, written by Roald Dahl. It is also about a little boy. His name is James. James' parents died when he was young, so he was sent to live with his horrible aunts. One day a little old man gives him a magical bag of something lucky and James hurries to dirnk this formula. Suddenly James spills the bag and the things go into an old peach tree that never produces peaches.
The next day, a peach starts growing. James crawls in and he finds giant insects inside. Then James goes off on adventures!! I LOVE this book, and I am urging you to read it! It has a lot of action in it.
These book reviews are again written by by Sophia, a girl in 4th grade at Metrolina Regional Scholars Academy.
Very well done, Sophia! You've REALLY made want to read the second book! Several boys have written before and talked about Danny, the Champion of the World. A lot of kids like it. (Go to the list of already-reviewed books on the left hand side of the page and see what other kids have said)
Now you see, everyone, this is as it should be! There was no mean and sneaky attempt to take over. She simply shared her love of readiing with all the rest of us. She did the right thing. In other words, she acted like a boy.
Isn't it wonderful?
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Hooray! Our First Boy Review of The Maze of Bones!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Yo Ho Ho! The Bruner Boys Write In!

"AARRRRRRRRRRRR" Where is a pirates favorite place to eat? Arrrrrrrrrby's!
We loved this new book and especially liked the game!Even our girl-dubed-a-dude liked it. Austin has been wearing his Captain Eli shirt for 2 weeks straight now and Master Zach is begning to get scared I think. Well, we are finishing up THE RIVER, by Paulsen. We liked HATCHET because it is GRIPPING and DANGEROUS. THE RIVER is not really as exciting yet, but we are hoping for some NEAR DEATH experiences this week near the end. Maybe a 10 foot BEAR or something horrible like a BROKEN BONE.Austin is reading THE SUGAR CREEK GANG there is 60 of them in the series he says...hmmmm.We also finished reading Jake Maddox books from Imaginon including BOARD REBEL, GO KART RUSH, and BMX BUDDY. These are great Keg says and perfect for the errand trips in the car.SEE YOU LATER MATE-Y...
Did I mention that Austin is STILL wearing the shirt?!?! We returned the book to Master Zach on the vessel in Matthews... he was very glad to have received such a LOOT! ARRRRRRRRRRR.What is a pirates favorite letter of the alphabet? RRRRRRRRRRRRR.
Good work, me lads! Those jokes have got me slapping the wooden leg! Isn't the Capt'n Eli graphic novel truly cool? Haven't enjoyed a gn that much in a long time. And I like me Jake Maddox books and REALLY like some Gary Paulsen, especially Hatchet.

Glad to have ye aboard, mateys! Keep writing to us!
Sailing across the Spanish Main,
Eyepatch Carrrrrrrrl
Master Jedi Zack on the Clue Hunt
The Jedi have joined in on the 39 Clues that the evil Sith, Darth Bill, talked about earlier. I am a part of the Ekaterina clan (the clan with the best crest of all) and will prove that a this hunt is best undertaken by a Jedi!
I am still waiting for the first book, Maze of Bones, to show up at the library, hopefully it will be soon. It looks like several people are already lining up for copies, so if you want to be one of the first you should set a request for it.
More to come...
Hacksaw Jim Duggan Writes Again!
Hey guys,
Sorry i haven't been on in forever!! =[ Anyways, I've heard about the series and it sounds pretty good. I'll remember to pick them up if I'm not busy reading something else, like "Monster" by Frank Peretti, which is what I'm reading right now.
Good to hear from you again, HJD! He commented to us from the Boys Are Peacemakers post of today, so he must be talking about the Girls Against the Boys series by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor. I just started reading it. I'm also about to start The Maze of Bones. I've got my cards out and will register them tonight. Monster sounds like a good read. I read Frank Peretti's book This Present Darkness several years ago and never forgot it! REALLY good!! Lots of action and good spirits vs bad spirits. I can still picture the battle, suspense, and scary scenes! Go get it, guys!
You See, Boys ARE Peacemakers!

Monday, September 22, 2008
Lord Vader Steps Up to Defend the Boys!
I just finished "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" by J. K. Rowling. It had been a while since I had seen the movie so I forgot a lot about the story. Every time the Dementors would start making Harry hear his mom I didn't want to read anymore. But I finally finished it and I'm glad I did. I really liked how Harry and Hermione got a "do over" with Serious and Buckbeak. I wish you could do that in real life. I also liked Hogsmeade. My mom told me there is a town with little shops kind of like in the book up by where I was born. It's called Salem, Massachusetts. I would recommend this book to others, but since it is a little more darker than the beginning ones I would tell readers to make sure they read it in the daytime. Especially about the kiss the dementors give. The book is really descriptive.
I also read "Michael Phelps" by Jeffrey Zuehlke. It's about Michael's awesome career and how he got started in it. I think he is great and loved reading about him. I can't wait to read his other one that talks about his training and diet.
Mikie (a.k.a. Lord Vader)
Another good one, Lord Vader! Or, I should say, another good two!! No girl would dare take over our blog with Lord Vader on our team. In fact, here's a warning to anyone would mess with the great Sith lord:
Sunday, September 21, 2008
The 39 Clues
It is once again I the hippest Sith this side of Vader (who we all know is really that wimpy Anikan Skywalker) with news and happenings in the world of books and such. Well in this post I'm going to talk about one of the coolest mystery books I have read in some time.
Speaking of mysteries, I have included a short clip here from The Pink Panther movies with the world famous Inspector Jacques Clouseau. Watch this master of unveiling the truth to get true insight on how a a real pro solves crimes:
As you can see a master of his craft is Clouseau!!!!!
Well enough of that, let's talk about the amazing new series "The 39 Clues:"

Now the book alone would be cool, but if you go to the very cool "39 Clues Website" at http://www.the39clues.com/ you can sign-up and chase after clues along with the characters of this great book series. As a part of the signing up process, you get to learn what clan of the Cahill Family you belong to of the four that exist (Janus - that's what clan I the Great Dark Sith Lord Darth Bill belongs to, Lucian, Ekatrina and Thomas). After that you can start searching the web site for more clues and information not included in the books. There are also cards you can purchase that will help you as seek to solve the mystery that is the "39 Clues." There will be ten books in all each written by a different author. The next book in the series to come out will be written by Gordon Korman and will be titled One False Note. This is a great book without the website, but I highly encourage everyone to checkout the website. I will warn you though that once you do you will not have any choice be to keep revisiting. Once you have had a chance or if you have already this book, write in and let us know what you think?
Well that's all I have for the moment, so peace all,
Friday, September 19, 2008

I've been reading a great book I thought you all might be interested in. It is called Kenny & the Dragon by Tony DiTerlizzi (one of the people who does the Spiderwick books). This book is great, it has Dragons (in case you couldn't tell from the title), knights even a town in panic. What would you do if your new best friend is about to be hunted down just because he is a misunderstood creature? Well Kenny must face just that. You should check it out!
Capt'n Eli and Talk Like a Pirate
First there is this cool welcome message to the newest Seasearchers:
They also gave us some info. on a cool place to go to look into talking like a pirate:
These guys are the best and I hope all of you out there check out "Capt'n Eli." If you do, write the blog and let me know what you think of it.
Thanks again to our friends up in Maine and peace all,
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Neutral Party Writes In
Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A Call To Arms!": I have a review for the blog. I just finished a very cool book called "Who Stole the Wizard of Oz?" It is by AVI. The story is all about a brother and sister who are twins, Toby and Becky. There is a very neat puzzle within the mystery of who stole a copy of "The Wizard of Oz" from a school library. There is both action and suspense. I'm now starting the second book by Charlie Fletcher,"Ironhand". The first book "Stoneheart" was hard to put down so I expect the same from this one.
Very good, Anonymous. Avi writes very good books. Click on the label below to see what other Avi books we've reviewed. Bill wrote about the Stoneheart book on May 30 and Ironhand on August 29. They sound good to me too!
But the big question is: are you on the boys' side or the girls' side? Or maybe you're not on either side. Maybe you're a peace-loving soul who just wants us all to read together in peace.Well, we boys are noble creatures and would not harm the tiniest fly.

A Call To Arms!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Talk Like a Pirate Day and the Totally Cool Undersea Adventure's of Capt'n Eli
Har, Har, Har me fine Mateys,
One of me fine fellows, the great pirate - Captain Jack Sparrow!!!!!!!!
One of the most famous pirates in history - Blackbeard!!!!!!!!!!!
Me personal role model and favorite pirate - Captain Barbossa and his wee monkey a name of Jack!!!!!!
Speaking of sea adventures, I would like to share a little now about the really cool "Undersea Adventures of Captain Eli" event we had last Wednesday here at ImaginOn!!!!!! First let me repeat how much I love this Graphic Novel. To see my original review of it just click: Here!!!! To see the status of the Graphic Novel in the library system click here: The Undersea Adventures of Capt'n Eli.
At the event we placed Capt'n Eli Posters around the library with trivia questions. After the trivia questions were answered, we gave out all sorts of really cool Capt'n Eli stuff (Cups & T-Shirts), cards for the most excellent Capt'n Eli game, let those who participated be the very first people to check out the brand new Graphic Novel (Volume 1; Volume 2 is coming out next month!!!!!!!) and bestowed upon everyone who participated official Seasearcher Membership with all it's rights and privileges. It really was a great time, but enough of me talking take a look for yourself:
Two intrepid Seasearchers figuring out the answers to the trivia questions posted around the library!!!!!!
The same two unstoppable Seasearchers showing off their newly
acquired Cups and the Capt'n Eli Graphic Novels they got to check out!!!!!
A brave solo Seasearcher also collecting a very sweet Cup and getting the Graphic Novel to Check out!!!!!!!
Ah!!!!!!! Another Seasearcher showing off his newly acquired, very cool T-Shirt!!!!! But surly this is not all he obtained?????
Another Brave Seasearcher with Graphic Novel and sweet new T-Shirt!!!!
Oh, No! A Hostile Takeover!

Now I should explain that these reviews were written during a free study time. The boys weren't idle; they were busy making a light saber. That's a constructive use of time, building something to cut your enemies in half. But while they were working, the girls sneaked these reviews past them in a brazen attempt to take over!
Well, in all fairness, let's hear their reviews. After all, guys, we can take the moral high ground and let them know we are fair, even if they are trying to invade and conquer our space.
The Titan’s Curse is a very good book, the third one in the Percy Jackson series by Rick Riordan. Artemis, the goddess of the Hunt and the goddess of the Moon, goes in search of a terrible monster and gets captured by Luke and his army. Annabeth replaces Atlas’ weight of the sky. Atlas’ weight gets replaced by Luke, who tricks Annabeth into carrying the weight, then Artemis replaces Annabeth. Percy finds the Ophiothaurus, the monster, and names it Bessie. The person who destroys the Ophiotaurus has enough power to take down Mount Olympus. At the end of the book, Olympus comes to a decision—whether or not to destroy Bessie. Overall, I really liked this book. ~written by a girl! Sophia (ha!)
The Little Town in the Big Woods
I’m going to tell you a little bit about the Series Little Town in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder. It’s about a family that starts off in a big wood on the Indian territory. They’re pioneers, and travel all over the USA to find the perfect home for their growing family. Laura is the main character. She has an older sister named Mary and Ma and Pa are their mother and father, working hard to maintain their family and keep them happy. As Laura grows up, she meets Almonzo Wilder, and eventually gets married. When mary loses her vision and Ma has another girl, Grace, Laura has to take of them and focus on Almonzo at the same at the same time. Can she do both? It’s a relly nice series and I think you would like every single book in the series. ~Mary, Age 9
The City of Emeber
This is a book about a city underground. Lina, the main character, wants to be a messenger but the mayor draws that she would be in the pipeworks. Doon, her friend, wants ot be in the pipeworks, but the mayour draws messenger. So Doon asks Lina to trade with him and she agrees. They both go to the pipeworks and find a tunnel that leads them out from underground. ~Sydney, Joy, and Maria
After all, don't forget that---

Saturday, September 13, 2008
How Extremely Cool Is This? An Interview With Kaza Kingsley, the Erec Rex Author!

...and the second is Erec Rex Book 2: The Monsters of Otherness.
See my post of August 21 to see how great these books are.
But why am I talking? Let's hear from Kaza Kingsley: (here's her picture)

Why do you think it's cool for boys to read?
There are a lot of reasons. First of all, reading takes you places you could never go by yourself. Boys who read tend to know more about a lot of things that they haven’t even seen yet. And they get a great imagination, too, which is always awesome. Plus, it’s just fun, which is truly the coolest.
Is it cool for boys to write? Why?
Yes! Writing is extremely cool for anyone. It’s something that you can do that creates a world all your own, and you can make anything happen in it. Who knows what you could come up with!
Who was your favorite comic book character when you were a girl? Do you have a favorite character now?
I always thought The Fantastic Four were really cool, and read the comics when I was growing up. I liked the guy that could stretch a lot. Now I just love the movies that are out about these characters, like Iron Man. I think the Superman movies are my favorite. I love the scenes where he’s swinging over the city.
The Erec Rex books show a lot of imagination! Have you read a lot of fantasy books? Which did you like best?
I love fantasy books (I guess that’s not a big surprise!) But I read a lot of other types of books, too. I loved the Harry Potter books, and the Bartimaeus Trilogy by John Stroud. It’s hard to pick faves, there are so many good ones out there.
What books would you recommend for boys?
Other than my Erec Rex books, there are some great series out there. On one extreme, easy to read and extremely funny are the Captain Underpants books. On the other extreme, for older boys with a strong stomach and like horror, are the Darren Shan books. He’s from Ireland, and is catching on here. In between, Louis Sachar is great, from Holes to the Wayside School books. Tolkien is great – I loved The Hobbit but couldn’t finish Lord of the Rings myself. There are so many it’s hard to pick!
Your hero is a preteen boy. Was it hard getting into the mind of a boy?
Not as much as you’d think. Erec’s character and personality developed as I was writing him as if he had a mind of his own. I guess I’ve known enough boys through my life, well enough that the knowledge was just in there for me when I needed it.
What is your favorite sport?
To play - soccer. To watch – football.
What do you like to do for fun?
I love movies and hiking, reading and writing of course, and also song writing! Hanging with friends is fun. I wish I knew how to play the guitar so I could join a band.
What is the favorite book you have written?
The last one – Book Three – Erec Rex: The Search for Truth. The hard thing is waiting until summer when it’s finally out. It’s a little longer than the other two, but there is so much action and suspense going on in this book that I really love it.
Which do you like better--cheeseburgers or pizza? What do you like on them?
Man, that’s like asking if I could live without air or water – I love both of them! But right now I’d pick a big, juicy cheeseburger with pickles, tomatoes, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, and even maybe a fried egg on top. (They have these at Red Robin and they’re my favorite.)
You seem very cool. Could we make you an Honorary Guy?
Totally! Do I get some kind of certificate to hang on my wall? ;}
Thanks, Kaza!! You should definitely get a certificate. We'll see if we can design one--or if any of you guys out there are good designers and could design a certificate, drop us a line in the comments section, tell us how to get in touch with you, and we'll see if we could use it! Any one who writes such great books, watches football, likes cheeseburgers, Fantastic Four, Iron Man, and Superman desrves to be an Honorary Guy.
Now she's made me hungry for a cheeseburger! Especially a Red Robin burger. Yummm! Do any of you have one where you live? We have one in Charlotte and I'm glad it's not near my house--I'd eat my whole paycheck there!
Go get these books, guys! You'll have a good time reading them. And check out the Erec Rex website. We've included it in our Links section on the left-hand side of the blog.
Thanks again, Kaza!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Ocean, Monsters and Clone War Republic Commandoes

Republic Commandos - Delta Squad

Well until next time all,