(reviewed 7-27-08; interview with Jay Piscopo 7-26-08)

Amazing isn't it!!!!!!!!!
Okay enough of the Jedi slamming (it's just too easy), here are some really cool books and Graphic Novels I have read lately:
The Undersea Adventures of Capt'n Eli: The Mystery of the Sargasso Sea (Volume 2) by Joe Piscopo - Man with this volume the Capt'n Eli Graphic Novel Series hits another gear and really takes off!!!!! As it was left off in the previous volume Capt'n Eli is still with Commander X aboard his super high tech submarine "Sub Zero." They reach the underwater city of Aquaria only to find it under attack by a race of underwater denizens known as the Outcast. It seems Aquira and it's people are now ruled by Commander X's former World War II partner, known then as The Sea Raider. We also find out that Commander X is Aqurian's sworn Lord Protector and it is his duty to protect them from all threats and enemies. Let's see what else happens in this story, we learn the history of Aquaria and its relationship to Atlantis, we learn the secret origin of the ruler of the Aquarians known by many names such as - Rex Noble, The Sea Raider and The Sea Ghost among others, Lord Hydro is back with all his evilness and Hydrons and much. much more!!!!!!!!!! I promise you if you pick up this Graphic Novel you will be unable to put it down until you have finished reading it and then you will still be wanting more. Look for it in the PLCMC System soon!!!!!!!!!
Also check out these cool video about the Capt'n Eli Graphic Novel Series:
Now THAT'S talent!!! I bet he's been saving up all year for that!! Do any of you think you can do that?? Then call Zack at 704-416-5000 or Bill or me at 704-973-2720 and set up a time. See the post beneath this one to see what prizes you could get--as well as immortal fame as a Burping Master!!
BUT--if you don't think you're up to this, well, we have another offer for you. On 12-9, we posted a note from Ms. Yingling, a middle-school librarian, who told us about being made an Honorary Guy:
I'll let my students know about my Honorary Guyhood. As long as I don't have to burp the alphabet or wield a light saber, I think I will not disappoint you.
To which I said:What was that??
Was that a......
Ummmm--gotta go!!!
Wait a minute, Bill would never let me run away from a rooster. I'll stand up bravely and......is it gone??? Good!!!
Some of you may have wondered why we haven't written anything about One False Note, the latest 39 Clues book. Well, it's simple--it takes the library takes a long time to get new books and then it takes time to get them on the shelves. So I'll just sit patiently and wait. I'm still waiting to write about a book that came out the first of November. But if I really get impatient, I can write to She Who Orders Books For The Library and ask to hurry things along. I did that for The Battle of the Labyrinth. Same thing for Beedle the Bard, the newest form J. K. Rowling. To tell the absolute truth, I haven't read all the HP books. Yes, that may shock some of you, but I read the first 3 and just never got around to finishing them. Maybe I'll make that a project for next year. What about you, Darth Bill? Or you, Master Jedi Zack? Are you planning to read this one soon? In the meantime, some guys at the Guys Read blog have written about both of them. Take a look.
The Great and Powerful (COCK-A-DOODLE-DOOOO!!!), I mean, the plain and simple
"The Wish Giver was a good book about Thaddeus Blinn and his strange wish cards. Stew Meat, Polly, Rowena, and Adam all by wish cards and all except Stew make wishes they regret.This a great adventure book.
Thanks to you too, cyber kid!! It's good to hear from you again! A lot of other people have been talking lately on other bogs about The Giver, so now I'm really curious."